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Hi to everyone, wish all of you have a lovely day...^^

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Each and everyone of us has got a different and unique lifestyle. Am I talking nonsense??? Whatever... Some might have an unpleasant lifestyle, some might have a substantial lifestyle, some might have a lighthearted lifestyle, some might have a laborious lifestyle and some might just have a challenging lifestyle...

Could we choose from any of the above?
Well, some may say 'yes, of course...' but some may say 'unequivocally no.'
However, why is it so?
Those would say 'yes', probably because they disregard their responsibility or just they need not bear any responsibility -- they are alone, no family members
They prefer to live happily, enjoy themselves by doing things they like and things they are interested in. Usually, they spend what they have already earned as long as they are happy with that.

Those would say 'no', probably because they think that this is a kind of fate. They are born to have any sort of lifestyle. Take for example, some might just have born in a poor family, they cannot choose their destiny. When he or she grows older, he or she might have to take care of their family members, to assure them a happiness family. Thus, an arduous effort have to be made in order to earn loads of money to sustain their life.

So, what kind of lifestyle I would prefer to?
For me, I think my lifestyle would be in the form of stages. It could change at any of my age. Haha...I think everyone is just the same as me. Because after suffering, it always comes to happiness.

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